(l to r): State Sen. Len Fasano, First Selectman of North Haven Micheal Freda and State Representative Dave Yaccarino at the North Haven Senior Center, located at 189 Pool Rd., on Friday, January 26, 2018.
On Friday, January 26, 2018, Rep. Yaccarino and Sen. Fasano held a Senior Update at the North Haven Senior Center, located at 189 Pool Rd., in North Haven from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
A large part of the discussion centered on the Medicare Savings Plan (MSP) and the legislature working in a bipartisan way to restore MSP after Gov. Dannel Malloy vetoed the bill earlier this month. The legislators vowed to keep residents informed and up-to-date as information unfolds at the Capitol with the 2018 legislative session commencing on February 7.
As of right now, the portion of MSP that helps pay for prescriptions is still funded until December of 2018. As far as the Medicare premium and cost shares, that portion will be paid for until June of 2018. The legislators also stated that they hope to come back into special session to take up the MSP override by Wednesday, January 31, to take action and overturn the governor’s veto.
“Over 500 seniors and disabled individuals in North Haven survive off of a limited income and rely on help from the state for critical services,” said Rep. Yaccarino. “My colleagues and I worked diligently to call the legislature back in for a special session to restore funding to the Medicare Savings Program in Fiscal Year 2018, which seniors and individuals with disabilities depend on to help pay their medical bills. With a fiscal crisis looming over our heads, we need to consider how state government can do the most good for the most people.”
“I want to thank all the seniors and disabled individuals who shared their stories and experiences with state lawmakers over the past few months,” said Sen. Fasano. “It was those voices that moved the legislature to work together in a bipartisan manner to restore funding for the Medicare Savings Program without worsening this year’s budget deficit. It was a challenge, but one that the state needed to overcome to do what was right for the thousands of impacted elderly and disabled individuals. I am disappointed that the governor vetoed our bipartisan plan to restore this funding, but I am confident that with the public’s support the legislature will have the courage to stand up to governor Malloy and stand up for the many seniors who are counting on us to restore this funding again and bring them peace of mind. It was great to discuss this issue, as well as other important state issues, with so many at the North Haven Senior Center and I look forward to keeping in touch throughout the session.”
This meeting was an opportunity for residents to express any concerns they may have and to ask questions about specific pieces of legislation or issues that affect Connecticut seniors.