Month: December 2017

Quinnipiac University School of Law to host open house for prospective students on Jan. 20
Those who attend will tour the center and learn about the law school’s rigorous academic program and how the faculty works closely with students to develop a course of study that matches their goals.

Rep. Dave Yaccarino Rings Bell for The Salvation Army
Rep. Yaccarino was joined by Salvation Army Captain Charles Adams, Corps. Commanding Officer of The Salvation Army.

Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University Expands Research Capabilities with $2 Million State-of-the-Art Lab
The 6,000-square-foot laboratory is a model facility with sophisticated equipment for mammalian cell and microbial culture, analysis of biological materials including DNA, RNA, and proteins, and confocal microscopy of biological tissues.

Rep. Yaccarino Earns 100 Percent Voting Record
Representative Yaccarino currently serves as the top ranking House Republican on the Commerce Committee and is also a member of the Environment Committee and the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee.

North Haven Resident Recognized for Establishing First Annual Day of Awareness in the Country for Rare Bone Disorder
In 2016, LaPrade began the process of sharing her story with lawmakers at the State Capitol. This summer, the day of awareness was made official with the passage and signage of Public Act 17-204.

North Haven Residents, Legislators Talk Issues Over Coffee
The legislators offered residents an update on legislative activity, answered their questions about state issues and listened to their concerns about the community.