Month: August 2017

Quinnipiac University medical student from Hamden selected to participate in Family Medicine Leads Emerging Leader Institute
As a scholarship winner, she will participate in a year-long leadership development program.

Fall Bulk Pickup Schedule
Bulk items include large upholstered items, appliances or “white goods,” and scrap metals.

Rep. Yaccarino Attends Benchmark Assisted Living Veterans Coffee Hour
“It is always an honor to meet veterans and listen to their perspective – that’s my job as a legislator.”

Fasano will not run for Governor in 2018
Today I want to announce that after considerable thought I have made the decision that I will not seek the Republican nomination for governor in 2018.

Rep. Yaccarino Interviews on Television with Joe Vegliante
Rep. Yaccarino fielded questions from Vegliante about his experience thus far in the legislature as well as his thoughts on the current legislative session.