From left: Christina Pavlak, left, assistant professor in the Quinnipiac University School of Education, Anne Dichele, professor in the Quinnipiac University School of Education, Monica Cavender, assistant teaching professor in the Quinnipiac University School of Education, Beth Larkins-Strathy, associate dean of the Quinnipiac University School of Education, Matthew Nittoly, executive director of the Side By Side Charter School, and Heriberto Cordero, principal of Fair Haven Elementary School, traveled to Washington, D.C. on March 3, to receive the Exemplary Professional Development School Achievement Award from the National Association for Professional Development Schools.
The professional development school partnership between Side By Side Charter School of Norwalk, Fair Haven Elementary School of New Haven and the Quinnipiac UniversitySchool of Education has received the Exemplary Professional Development School Achievement Award.
Presented by the National Association for Professional Development Schools at its annual conference in Washington, D.C. on March 3, the award gives national recognition to outstanding school-university partnerships that shape educator leadership and practice.
“The Quinnipiac University professional development school partnerships are noted for their contributions to educator preparation and enhancing student learning,” said Marcy Kiefer-Kennedy, association president. “The focus on English language learners and social equity sets this partnership apart from others on the national level.”
Kevin Basmadjian, dean of the School of Education, said, “Our partnership is vital both to serve the immediate needs of students through excellence in our classrooms, but also to move to action policy changes that can help close the achievement gap and address issues beyond the classroom which deeply affect learning, such as poverty, hunger and medical care.”
Anne Dichele, professor of education and director of the master of arts in teaching program at Quinnipiac, said, “Great teachers need great models and mentors. These partnerships between high-quality, urban public schools and the School of Education provides an opportunity to promote our commitment to improving public education. We are exceptionally proud, and we thank the National Association of Professional Development Schools for recognizing those innovations, and the overall excellence of our teacher preparation program and our partners, Side by Side Charter School and Fair Haven Elementary School.”
NAPDS commended the partnership for the practical experiences future teachers gain through immersion in schools where complex issues facing urban education are ongoing. Coupled with the emphasis on social justice and equity, this partnership is uniquely situated to develop future teachers with much-needed skill sets, Kiefer-Kennedy said.
One of only two school-university partnerships recognized nationally this year, the award committee commented, “This partnership is a great example of how the collaborative work of a school-university partnership can dramatically impact the future of education and learning.”
Defined by specific characteristics, professional development schools are positioned to prepare future educators; provide current educators with ongoing, job-embedded professional development; encourage joint inquiry of education-related issues; and promote the learning of P-12 students. The Quinnipiac partnerships are nationally recognized for their exemplary work in the field of education.
The Quinnipiac University School of Education, which is accredited by NCATE: The Standard of Excellence in Teacher Preparation, offers the five-year BA/MAT in elementary education, BA/MAT in secondary education, graduate MAT in elementary education, graduate MAT in secondary education, master of science in teacher leadership, sixth-year diploma in educational leadership, master of science in instructional design and a certificate of completion in special education.