Application forms for the Elizabeth Doyle Memorial Scholarship Fund are available, beginning March 11th. This fund was established to honor the memory of former North Haven resident and educator, Elizabeth Doyle, and to assist fellow North Haven residents, who are pursuing a degree in teaching at an accredited college. Interested applicants must demonstrate that they are involved in a realistic plan for continuing their education, need financial assistance in order to continue school and intend to teach upon graduation.
Application forms, which contain the information necessary for pursuing the scholarship, are available at the North Haven First Selectman’s office in Town Hall, the North Haven Community Services office at the Town Hall Annex on Linsley Street or on the Town’s webpage. They are also available at North Haven High School, at other area private and parochial high schools and area colleges and universities. Completed forms must be returned on or before April 22nd to the First Selectman’s office. An independent committee, working under the auspices of the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, is responsible for overseeing the application and selection processes. The disbursement of funds is administered completely by the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven.
The selection committee emphasizes that any North Haven students, who are currently seniors in an accredited high school (North Haven High School or other private or parochial high schools) and any Town residents, who are pursuing or planning to pursue a teaching career, may apply. Past applicants are welcome to reapply.
For further information, please call Louise Ciulla at (203) 288-5195.